Wednesday 10 March 2010

Thursday 11/03/2010

Well I felt better yesterday I have no idea what was up on tuesday.

Stuck to my points yesterday and tueday, I am finding that maintenance is quite hard as I don't need to lose any more but I also don't want to put it on. I always stick to my points but I have started to add a few little extras in just to make a change to my daily menu.

My weight is fluctuating quite a bit, take last weekend fri/sat/and sunday morning I weighed 12.13 stone which felt good and it was consistent for three days. I rode the bike a bit over the weekend and went to my sisters on saturday night for dinner, I did eat a fair amount but not enough to be stuffed. On monday morning I weighed in at 13.2 stone so a gain of 3 lb, and its stayed around that number all week. I know its nothing to worry about as my goal weight is 13.1 stone although on my gold card it says 13.2 stone ? so I am well within my goal weight its just quite interesting how the weight goes on and off though out the week... weel its interesting for me anyway :)

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog....and well done on the amazing transformation.
